Get Paid 2 Speak (GPS)

Professional Speakers Get Paid to SpeakWant to know what makes a speaker a professional?

Is it fancy degrees?  Amazing marketing materials?  A killer demonstration video?


All those things are nice, but a speaker only becomes a professional when they GET PAID.

That is where GPS-SpeakerMarketing comes in.  We provide the services and expertise that speakers need to grow and improve the profitability of their speaking business.

Do we provide wonderful speaker marketing pieces?  Of course.
Can we design and print some amazing business cards?  You bet.

Are they the most important part of what we do?  Definitely not.

Our goal is to work with our clients to help them become strategic-minded business owners.

This means focusing on your niche and helping you clearly define how you will approach your market.  We have the expertise in both traditional and internet-based marketing for speakers and can help identify opportunities to grow your business that you may have not considered.

Give us a try !

Start by joining our VIP mailing list and you will gain access to a wide range of information including checklists for critical parts of your speaking business such as an online media kit checklist.  You also become part of our Speaker Marketing Community !

Sign up now and you will also be notified when additional marketing information for speakers is released.


PRIVACY NOTICE:  We don’t sell our lists and we hate spam as much as you do so we make sure that each time we send out an email that it contains REAL VALUE to our clients.  You can opt-out at any time but you will miss out on future offers and valuable information.  We hope you will join the GPS team and Get Paid to Speak !


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