Convert old VHS video tapes to Digital video

VHS video conversionEveryone has old VHS video tapes hanging around that contain treasured family moments or some early aspects of your speaking career.  Maybe they are  just background showing things you used to do but wouldn’t they be great to have in digital format?

If you have been a speaker for a while, I am sure that you have some old VHS video cassette tapes kicking around.  They might be some of your early [i.e. “very rough”] speeches or they could be family events or other interests you had back when VHS video was the “cutting edge”.  This is valuable video footage and could be something that you will want to include in future video projects such as a retrospective or “where you came from” type video.  These types of videos give audiences a perspective on your story and help build interest in your upcoming speeches.


Did you know that images on VHS video tape degrade over time?

Old tapes are based on magnetic particles on the surface of the tape and when they are exposed to heat or even ambient magnetism the patterns (which is the video recorded on the tape) can become damaged or even unrecoverable.  Do you remember that the way to quickly erase a tape was to put it close to a strong magnet and scramble the magnetic particles on the tape?  You may find that some videos recorded as little as 10 years ago have lost a good amount of their picture or audio quality and they will only get worse.


How can you capture those memories from the past before they fade away?

1st … Convert your video cassettes over to digital format.  This will make it easier to work with them and easily create backup copies if they are important.

2nd… Load them to the internet.  The odds are that the internet will be around long after we are so why not put your videos somewhere (i.e. online) that they will be preserved for generations to come.  There is no guarantee that YouTube will be around forever, but the odds are better that they will last longer than you or I will and, besides, it doesn’t cost anything to load them up !


VHS video conversion serviceVHS video cassette Conversion Services:

gps-SpeakerMarketing offers video conversion services to clients as one way to help them develop their Speaker video library.  If you would like a quote on conversion of your videos, here is the easy way to estimate the cost…

a) Identify what part you want converted.  This can be done by starting the tape at the beginning and timing when certain segments appear.  For example, you may have lots of crowd scene prior to your speech but at 5:20 (5 minutes, 20 seconds) your speech starts.  It might end at 32:45.  If you got some testimonials on the tape you might have the following detailed conversion request:

Convert the following segments to files:

5:20 – 32:45 (speech)

41:30 – 53:00  (testimonials)

b) Schedule your video to be converted by contacting via a comment on this page (we read all comments) or by calling our office number at 203-885-0113.  Someone will get in touch with you with more details on how to ship or deliver you tape(s) and the expected costs.  For a quick estimate, figure about $20 per 30 min. tape plus shipping & handling but note that prices are subject to change and will be more if you need it done quickly.


Now is the time to convert your old videos !

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